“Without my school’s support, I could not have reached this far. Shanti Asiatic provided a platform to hone my skills,” says Khushman Sancheti, winner of the Chess Championship in Taluka and District Level Chess-Championship (under 14). With participants from 40 schools, Khushman had to face fierce competition but his cool and calm attitude held him in good stead.
A brilliant student of Class VI in Shanti Asiatic School, Khushman is happy to have done his school proud and with this win secured his entry to the State Level Championship.
Khushman exhibited great mental agility, especially in the final game which was a real intense battle that was held at M.P. Pandya High School, Jetalpur. Of all his subjects, it’s the logical thinking and concentration of Mathematics that he enjoys the most, and looks up to his mother as a role model. Ever humble, he credits his success to his school which he says helped him tremendously to develop expertise in his chosen field.