Shanti Asiatic School participated in the final round of State wide art competition ‘Impression and Expression 2010’ organized by Open Page. Conducted in two phases’ viz. semi finals and finals, the competition was open for all the children in different categories.
Our students showed a lot of enthusiasm for the competition. Out of 100 students who had participated in preliminary round, 18 students made it to the finals. Our students got selected in all the categories. The final round was organized at Atira Garden Ahmedabad, where over 500 children from 50 different schools participated. The exposure made a huge difference to our children.
Another interesting feature of the competition was the range of themes and the break free ideas to portray. Students had enough opportunities to express themselves with lots of learning in fine arts. The competition enabled students to articulate their creative minds and a chance to meet different students from all over Gujarat.
We are waiting for the results with the hope that our children would make it!!
Our students showed a lot of enthusiasm for the competition. Out of 100 students who had participated in preliminary round, 18 students made it to the finals. Our students got selected in all the categories. The final round was organized at Atira Garden Ahmedabad, where over 500 children from 50 different schools participated. The exposure made a huge difference to our children.
Another interesting feature of the competition was the range of themes and the break free ideas to portray. Students had enough opportunities to express themselves with lots of learning in fine arts. The competition enabled students to articulate their creative minds and a chance to meet different students from all over Gujarat.
We are waiting for the results with the hope that our children would make it!!
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