Thursday, December 27, 2012

Karate Champion

In the recently held 3rd International Karate Championship organized by the Shito - Ryu Karate School of India at Pune, Maharashtra from 7th to 9th December, 2012 in which contestants from India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Srilanka and Hongkong had participated, the following SAS students have been awarded with medals:

1) GURSIMRAN KAUR OBEROI – Std. VIII B – Won Two Silver medals in the individual and group Kata category and one bronze medal in the Kumite category. Total 03 medals.

2) PREET SINGH OBEROI – Std V B – Won One gold medal in the individual Kata and one bronze in the Kumite category. Total 02 medals.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Time with Grannies

The students of SAS -Class IV visited the old Age Home on November 6, 2012. The children were excited to meet the old grannies there. They assembled in an open area under the shade of trees with all old grannies with them and sang few bhajans for them. The grannies also sang and clapped in tune with them.

The students distributed biscuits and chocolates to them and took their blessings. The occasion showed strong emotional bonding towards the grannies.